Effects of excessive sugar consumption on the teeth and its signs

Effects of excessive sugar consumption on the teeth and its signs

Most people consume sugar on a daily basis. However, one may not know the dental problems associated with excessive sugar. These often include common issues such as cavities/tooth decay, tooth enamel erosion, gingivitis, and other diseases that can hamper oral health. If you are partial to fizzy drinks and sweets, you may want to learn about dental problems caused by excessive sugar and the signs to keep an eye out for.

What are the common dental problems caused by excessive sugar?

Tooth enamel erosion
The shiny enamel layer on the teeth protects the body part against the effects of crunching, grinding, chewing, and biting. But it is susceptible to damage. So, when one drinks sodas and other sugary foods and beverages constantly, it can cause the bad bacteria in the mouth to eat away at the enamel, leading to its erosion. This can be further aggravated by the failure to clean the teeth regularly.

Cavities/ Tooth decay
Due to excessive consumption of sugar, one can have damaged areas in their teeth. These are commonly known as cavities and can develop into small holes or openings on the surface of the teeth. The main cause behind the formation of cavities is the bad bacteria in the mouth, namely Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sorbinus. These bacteria feed on sugar and create acids that destroy tooth enamel. When left untreated, this can cause cavities that can dig deeper into the tooth, leading to permanent tooth loss.

Typically, one cannot see the area where the teeth meet the gums as it’s deeper than the easily noticeable gum edges. This creates the formation of a space known as the sulcus, which can trap food and plaque. If not cleaned properly, the collected food particles can result in gingivitis or gum infections.

Receding gums
A progression of gingivitis, this dental issue can begin due to a buildup of bacteria and plaque within the teeth and gums. However, over time, it can cause potential gum damage, causing the gums to recede and exposing the roots.

What are the signs of dental problems caused by excessive sugar intake?
Generally, sugar intake alone cannot cause oral health and dental issues; the bad bacteria in the mouth play a huge role in the development of diseases. In such cases, it can prove incredibly beneficial to understand the symptoms of these dental issues. Hence, here are some of the most common signs of dental problems caused by excessive consumption of sugar.

Tooth sensitivity
Upon the consumption of particular foods, especially sugary ones, the patient can experience a twinge of pain in the affected area. Tooth enamel erosion can be noticed in the early stages of the issue, and as the problem progresses, it can cause the bacteria to reach the internal layer of the teeth – dentin. As this layer has direct communication with the nerve endings, the patient can be more susceptible to hot and cold foods.

Severe pain
If problems such as tooth enamel erosion and tooth decay remain unchecked, one’s teeth can become incredibly sensitive to sweets and high-temperature foods. In such cases, multiple patients report the development of pain while they consumed foods high in sugar. Moreover, this pain has also been associated with biting and chewing other foods.

Bleeding gums
As the sugar levels in the body begin to increase, more sugar can be found in the saliva. This makes it easier for the bad bacteria to thrive and can lead to the development of plaque. This finally leads to dental problems such as swelling, soreness, and bleeding of the gums.

Bad breath
One of the first signs of dental problems caused by excessive sugar intake is bad breath. This happens when the bacteria in the mouth interact with the sugary food particles. As these bacteria feed on sugar, an increase in the consumption of sweets and their remains can act as a breeding ground for them. This can result in persistent bad breath and further complications.

In addition to the above, some of the other symptoms to keep a look out for are cracks in the teeth, changes in tooth color, brown or black stains on the teeth, and painful ulcers in the mouth.

Hence it’s suggested to never miss regular dental appointments or tooth cleaning. Furthermore, if one notices any of the above-mentioned symptoms, one must seek immediate professional attention. This can result in the early diagnosis of dental issues and can help in the development of a treatment plan that caters to all of one’s needs.

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