8 common signs of leukemia
Leukemia is a type of cancer in which the body’s blood-forming tissues grow out of control. It has several subtypes, such as acute myeloid leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemia, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Like many cancers, leukemia is relatively treatable in its initial stages. Hence, individuals must diagnose it early. One way to detect this condition quickly is to look for its early signs and symptoms. Here are a few common signs of leukemia: Fever Leukemia tends to affect nearly every organ, including the immune system. When one’s immunity is compromised, it results in frequent bouts of fever and raised body temperature. Consequently, a person with this condition may experience night sweats on a daily basis. Sometimes, fever is a side effect of treatments used for managing leukemia. Muscle and joint pain Besides fever, individuals with early-stage leukemia may experience persistent pain in their muscles and joints. If the pain increases and leads to tenderness in the affected areas, it is a clear indicator of this cancer. Such symptoms tend to be felt more than seen. If untreated, the progressive pain can cause rapid organ damage. All these factors bring about noticeable muscle loss. Fatigue Since leukemia is directly associated with the blood cells, it causes circulation issues.
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