7 Common RV Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid
There is no one way to maintain a recreational vehicle (RV). While different owners are bound to give you different tips and advice on how to take care of an RV, there is one fundamental point they will all agree on – maintenance is necessary. Owning and maintaining an RV can be an expensive affair, which is why it is important to avoid certain common mistakes and make the most of your vehicle! Forgetting to winterize The country witnesses extreme weather transformations, with some cities reaching sub-zero temperatures during winters. During this time, RV parts can freeze, inviting expensive repairs and replacement costs. To avoid these costs, winterizing your RV is a must. Here are some common methods people use: Pump RV-safe antifreeze into the plumbing system to save your water lines from freezing over. Use compressed air to clean all lines of water gently. Install an integrated drain-down system that passes compressed air through the water lines on demand. Also, remember to de-winterize your RV when summer approaches to prepare it for travel, especially if your vehicle has remained dormant all winter. Skipping out on tire protection The RV wheels are crucial not just for your travels but also for your safety while driving.
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